El Zodiaco de Salvador Dalí

Dalí Zodiac

La figura de Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Primer Marqués de Dalí de Pubol (1904 – 1989), más conocido como Salvador Dalí o simplemente Dalí, no le es indiferente a nadie, quizá jamás haya visto una de sus pinturas que sí habrás visto su bigote en alguna exposición de arte del siglo XX, y es que varias veces  el poder de la personalidad excéntrica de Dalí superaba el de la belleza de sus obras. Este Tauro nacido en Figueras, España,  con su incursión en el surrealismo a partir de la década de 1930 estaba destinado a cambiar la concepción del arte y de la cultura en general.


En las artes incursionó en todo estilo, desde el realismo, fauvismo, surrealismo, etc, hasta desencadenar finalmente en un estilo que bautizó como el Hiperrealismo Metafísico. En sus obras incluyó riqueza de significados simbólicos de todas las ciencias, misterios, y artes ancestrales, así también como física y hasta mecánica cuántica. Se convirtió en una figura prominente y es, junto a Andy Warhol, el icono absoluto de la cultura pop del siglo XX.

Tarot Universal de Dali

Entre sus obras no solo se cuentan cuadros, sino también joyería y hasta diseñó su propio Tarot, el cual postearé más adelante. En esta ocasión admiraremos el Zodiaco de Dalí, una serie de 12 litografías encargada por el publicista Leon Amiel en 1967. Como podremos observar la versión de los signos del zodiaco de Dalí está muy inspirada en las representaciones alquímicas de la edad media, sobre todo fijarse en Géminis (el hermafrodita), Leo (vitriolo verde, el símbolo de la piedra filosofal) y Piscis (Pez sin huesos: el azufre naciente).

























10 comentarios on “El Zodiaco de Salvador Dalí”

  1. I quite like Dali’s Zodiac. I had never seen it before. A friend of mine is a tarot reader at thetarotnook.com and she always uses the Dali deck. Every week she writes descriptions of a card.

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    • Oh great! I’ll check the web, and I’m kinda of a Tarot reader too, I wrote about Jung, Archetypes, and the aplication of Tarot in Psychoanalysis a few months ago [https://thefaustorocksyeah.wordpress.com/category/carl-jung-los-arquetipos-y-el-tarot-en-el-psicoanalisis/], I suppose you’re familiar with the subject, and now I’m working on a alchemistic and kabbalistic interpretation of Tarot Cards. Sadly is in spanish too, I should write in english, even though my english sucks, but I feel spanish speakers need to know this kind of stuff, there’s a lot of it but just in english, and it’s kinda sad, so I’m here for all the esoteric spaniards out there haha.

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  2. Oloriel dice:

    This is wonderfull! And I do speak Spanish,but I will spare you my horrid grammar 😀 I defenately agree with what you said in the previous comments, there is far too little information on these topics on languages other then English.
    Dali’s work is wonderfull btw, thank you for sharing!

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  3. Kelsey Lynore dice:

    Wow! Those images are amazing. Any chance you’d tell me where you got them? It would be great to be able to use them for my weekly Tarot forecasts. Let me know. I’ve been looking for images and it hadn’t even occurred to me that Dali did the Zodiac… but of course he did.

    Also, I’m symbolreader’s friend who does the Tarot. I have a project called the Anti-Film Tarot Art Project. She loves your blog so much that she has specifically requested your participation. You can read about it here: http://thetarotnook.com/2013/01/13/the-anti-film-tarot-art-project/. Any chance?

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    • Hi!! So, so, so, sorry the delay! I wasn’t in town, I found the images here: http://www.lockportstreetgallery.com/Zodiacsuite.htm . Oh, I feel so honoured, thank you so much for the request, and thanks to symbol reader too! I’d love to do it, but my english is not very good, for real haha, I’ll check the videos and it’d be hard for me to keep up with you and understand everything you say, and it’d be awful to make you waste your time by repeating the same phrase or rephrase something constantly. But we might colaborate on some written project or something like that. I’ll try to improve my english and I’ll personally ask for paid reading. Oh, and you’re so beautiful!! Thanks again, have a good day/nite/dawn!

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      • Kelsey Lynore dice:

        Actually, Monika was right when she told you that your English does NOT suck. And I’d definitely be open to collaborating with you. Just let me know if you have any ideas!
        If you ever need a reading, you know where to find me, and thanks so much for the kind compliment! 🙂 Take care.

        Me gusta

  4. Hola Fausto buenos días.
    Agradecida por seguir mi blog.
    Que disfrutes de una linda jornada.

    Me gusta

  5. […] paintings of the zodiac signs!  I first discovered these thanks to Monika who referred me to this blog post, only to discover they were recently on Brain Pickings.  How perfect.  Oh, yay.  Oh, […]

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